410 Gone

What is a 410 Status Code?

A 410 HTTP Status Error Code, also known as the "Gone" status, is a response from the server indicating that the requested resource is no longer available on the server and there is no forwarding address. This status is similar to the 404 Not Found error, but it is distinct in that it explicitly states that the absence is permanent. 

For example, if a web page has been deleted and the server is configured to return a 410 error for that URL, then anyone trying to access that page will receive the 410 error message, signaling that the page is gone and will not be returning. This error is useful for search engines as it helps in cleaning up the index by removing links that no longer work.

A 410 error is the server’s way of telling visitors that the requested URL is permanently unavailable, helping to clear any confusion about whether the page might return in the future.

Causes of a 410 HTTP Status Error Code

The 410 error is typically used to signify that the resource the client is requesting has been intentionally removed and will not be available again. This can occur for several reasons, such as:

  • The resource has been permanently removed or deleted.
  • The URL of the resource has been changed and will not be used again.
  • The resource is no longer available or supported.

How to Fix a 410 HTTP Status Error Code

For Website Visitors:

Check the URL: Ensure the URL is typed correctly.

Search for the Resource: Use a search engine to find the new location of the resource.

Contact the Website: If the resource is crucial, contact the website administrator for information.

For Website Owners/Administrators:

Update the Links: If the resource is permanently removed, update or remove all internal and external links pointing to it.

Provide a Clear Message: Clearly inform visitors that the resource is no longer available.

Use Redirects: If the resource has a new location, use 301 redirects to point the old URL to the new one.

Update your Sitemap: Ensure your sitemap does not contain the removed URL.

Example 1: Handling 410 Error in an HTTP server (Node.js/Express)

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.get('/old-resource', (req, res) => {
  res.status(410).send('This resource is no longer available.');
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`);

In this example, requests to `/old-resource` will receive a 410 status code with a message indicating the resource is no longer available.

Example 2: Handling 410 Error in a Client (Python using requests library)

import requests
url = 'http://example.com/old-resource'
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 410:
    print(f"The resource at {url} is no longer available.")

In this example, the client checks for a 410 status code in the response and prints a message if the resource is no longer available.

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